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The Drunk Mummy Sober Mummy Facebook group is a place for all sober curious women (not just mums) to share their sober stories and inspire others. The group has thousands of women on there, from all over the world that are all treading this sobriety path. You can ask questions about alcohol or sobriety and be sure to get some amazing advice from women that have been there. It's a great tool to add to your sobriety tool box, a hub where you can learn from others and be honest and open without fear of judgment. Just head over to facebook to find your sober curious crew! All our meetups are also posted on there too. Sober support 24/7 at your fingertips x

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Meeting other women that are struggling with their relationship with alcohol is a great way to feel less alone on this journey. So please don't be shy, reach out and tell you story and others will be there to support you. There is nothing more helpful than finding like minded people when giving up booze. I makes this path seem less isolated and just knowing that there are others feeling the same way is enough to get through a difficult day x

The only rules on the Drunk Mummy Sober Mummy facebook group are be kind and don't judge. The spectrum of alcoholism is vast, just because someone might not be as extreme as you or as 'Mid-range' a drinker as you doesn't mean their struggle isn't real. The page is about being 'curious' which means anyone that has just 'questioned' can join. Please feel free to email me if you have any feedback or problems when joining the facebook group x


Laptop and Notebook

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