
Waking up with a crying baby in the room beyond my hangover was one wake up call too much.

We made it to number 23!

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Who will stay?

Ever had a hangover from not drinking?

Find some shows that will resonate with you. Here is my top ten list of great movies on Sobriety and addiction.

When you are out of the comfort zone!

Sometimes sobriety can feel isolating. Here are 7 ways to make sure you're never alone.

Sophie is sharing her journey. read about her amazing progress here.

Check out this tips for the sober curious.

When that old friend comes knocking

Cuppa - Tea for Sober People is here!
For the latest Sober Awkward episodes go to iTunes and Spotify or click sober awkward in the menu x
Sober Awkward
hits iTunes Chart!!
Ever had a Sober Hangover?
Is being sober, awkward?

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Sober Awkward
The podcast all about feeling the awkward and doing it anyway.
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In series 4 Vic welcomes Hamish as the new co-host of Sober Awkward
Have you ever woken up from a big night out and said, ‘I’m never drinking again!’ then found yourself waving $50 at a barman by Happy Hour. Well, so have Vic and Hamish. These two professional party poopers are here to put an end to the unsightly binges, cancel your anxiety, and help you ditch those pesky headaches.
Join them on this hilarious and relatable podcast about being sober in a world soaked in alcohol. Each week they discuss different boozy topics and open up a shame shed of humiliating stories for you to giggle along with.
Vic and Hamish bring humour and honesty to sobriety. These two ex-binge drinking, party animals tell it like it is. Vomit, one-night stands and life on the other side of their destructive drunken behaviour.
So, if you’ve hit a wall, or need some sober inspiration then it might be time to put the kettle on. Come and learn how to feel the awkward and do it anyway!

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